Kelly in her Rotorua studio.



Kelly is an abstract artist living in Rotorua, New Zealand. Her love of nature fuels her creativity and she is passionate about sharing this love and encouraging others to see and appreciate the beauty all around.

Kelly paints intuitively, using her creative process to connect with her inner guidance. Her work is informed by a deep gratitude for health and life and a knowledge that life is all too short.

Back in December 2014 Kelly fell off her mountain bike and hit her head, was knocked out and suffered concussion. The resulting post-concussion syndrome/mild-traumatic brain injury left her unable to return to her job as an administration manager and running her own business, Adminworks. Unable to do anything much requiring cognitive functioning because of the resulting brain fatigue Kelly returned to painting after a break of many years. It has proved to be very therapeutic.

Having lost her 31-year-old partner to non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2006 and in recent years supporting her dear Mum through treatment, also for an aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and caring for her before she passed away at home in July 2018, Kelly knows only too well that life is short. She is determined to look for the silver lining in any situation and use difficult circumstances to grow and heal. This has shaped Kelly’s approach to her recovery from concussion, her approach to life, and also influences her art.

It is Kelly’s hope that by sharing her journey and her art others may benefit in some way.

Kelly has a distinctive abstract style and enjoys the way abstract art engages the imagination of the viewer, with each individual taking something different from the work. It brings Kelly joy to see the way collectors connect with her work.

Kelly’s most recent solo exhibitions at The Arts Village in Rotorua - We Need to Talk About Dying (Feb 2020); and We Need to Talk About Living: Life After Loss (June 2023) - were a great success!